Friday, January 23, 2009

Week 3 Results

Still not the results I was hoping for, but I lost 6 ounces. Which means I've lost a total of 5 pounds. Not bad, but not great either. I decided to step it up a notch and I joined Weight Watchers last night. I've been cheating on my diet and I decided I needed to try something different. I really want to lose weight and I'm not ready to give up just yet! Hopefully, Weight Watchers will give me the extra push that I need. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

It's my fault you didn't do so well this week. I let you join me in over indulging... Thankfully, we are both getting back on track and we are NOT giving up. Weight Watchers will be good for you...we are going to do it this time!!! I promise!!!!

Kelly said...

Rhonda, It's not your fault. I did some cheating at home all on my own. We're going to do it!

Mary Lou said...

Hang in there Kelly! You will make it! Every ounce counts, so be excited that you lost 6! WoooHooo!! Weight Watchers is great and you really learn a lot about dieting and food! The kicker is sticking to it! LOL

Michele said...

You'll do it girl...I know it's would be for me! My Mom and Sister did Weight Watchers and they did GREAT! Good Luck!

aLLySoN mIcHeLLe said...

Kelly it is good that you are joining weight watchers, I have all the books and things so if there are any you don't have let me know you can borrow mine. It is hard to diet and loose weight without a guideline to follow and without somebody being there or giving you suggestions to push you along! Good luck!!!

aLLySoN mIcHeLLe said...

Kelly it is good that you are joining weight watchers, I have all the books and things so if there are any you don't have let me know you can borrow mine. It is hard to diet and loose weight without a guideline to follow and without somebody being there or giving you suggestions to push you along! Good luck!!!

Kelly said...

Thanks everyone for your support! It really means alot and it really does help. Allyson, I bought a new set last night, but thanks for offering. I think it's the 3rd or 4th set I've bought! LOL

Judson's Mommy said...

You are doing good by not giving up!

Judi said...

Thanks for signing up as a follower!!! I love weight watchers!!

Cathy said...

You just got a little off..but now you are on track again and we are going to do this.

Donielle said...

Hey, losing 6 ounces is way better than gaining 6 ounces!! I think you'll do great with weight watchers. It's not just a diet, it's a life style change. So I think it'll be great!

Shari said...

I'm glad you joined weight shows you're not giving'll do GREAT!!!!

Mandy said...

Dieting sucks, so rejoice in the 6 ounces gone and good luck this coming up week! I am so jealous that you have a support group at work. We tried it at my work, but I am not really "friends" with my co-workers, more like "work" friends. Hang in there!

Keri said...

Hey - your still losing, so don't lose heart. Dieting is so tough - I could stand to lose a few pounds, and can't even stand the thought of dieting. Hang in there and good luck!