Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Is it Monday?

Is it Monday because I really thought it was Tuesday? Okay...I get up on time this morning (big surprise) so I could make Alyssa pancakes and get gas before I went to work. I went outside and started my truck so it would be warm for the kids. I finished getting them ready and we headed out the door. Alyssa jumped in the front seat and said I thought you started the truck. I went to try to start it and it wouldn't start. Great! So... we all go back in the house and call my Daddy. He arrives a few minutes later with gas. The truck still won't start. He has to go back home to get his battery charger. He comes back and charges the battery. So...I got up early and I was still late for work. Now, I am worried my truck won't start when I get off this afternoon. I must be having a Monday on a Tuesday! But...look at the snow! Love it! Hope you all have a great day! Stay warm and be careful on the roads!


Wendy said...

Don't ya hate when your day starts out like that! Glad you got everything straight.

We are just getting snow today!

Happy Tuesday!

Mary Lou said...

Well, even if you had a rough start to the day, I hope it gets better for you! Maybe the snow will help you leave work early!

Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

Hope your day gets better, and tomorrow goes off with out a glitch!!!

Cathy said...

If its not one thing its ten..hang in there things will get better.

Judi said...

Your day can only get better.

Judson's Mommy said...

I am with you Kelly... This has not been a good week... Come to think of it.. Last week was not the best. I hoping for something better soon.