Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another Green Card

If I could dance....I would be doing my happy dance right now! Yep! Logan brought home another green card! That's 2 in a row! 8 more to go and he can go to the treasure box at school. He is so proud of himself, and his Mama is mighty proud too!


Jamie's Block said...

YEY LOGAN!!! he's a sweet boy.

Anonymous said...

YIPPEE!!! I think he is on a roll now....Napoli's here Logan comes!!!!

Kelly said...

Somebody needs to warn Napoli's! LOL

Jamie's Block said...


Judson's Mommy said...

Thats great! Keep up the good work Logan...

Michele said...

That is wonderful! I know that you are so proud of him!!

Shari said...

Way to go little man....Be sure to tell him we are so proud of him.....Let me know when you're going to Napoli's and maybe Corey & I can meet y'all!

Judi said...

Go Logan!!

Nancy said...

You go, Logan!!! I can see that boy just winning and winning "good behavior" prizes...John and I just might have something for him too!!!!

Mary Lou said...

Yeh Logan! You go dude! Make Momma proud and bring home 8 more green cards!

Donielle said...

Wow, way to go Logan! I bet he's trying extra hard now to be good since he see's he can do it, and he see's how excited you are. Great Job!!

Kelly said...

Thanks everyone! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for another good day. We are really making a big deal over it to help encourage him. Cathy even called him this morning to let him know she was proud of him. I hope he keeps it up!