Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Wow...does a new year actually start tomorrow? Where has this year gone? Looking family made it through Camryn's broke leg, finding out about Daddy's Multiple Myeloma, and my Bell's Palsy...which is completely gone...YAY! As always, I'm thinking of resolutions for the New Year. Maybe this will be the year I keep atleast one! LOL

Fat Feast 2008 is officially over! Diet 2009 starts tomorrow......LOL Okay...Rhonda here is a challenge and you love a challenge...let's comment every Friday, good or bad, how our diet is going. Maybe sharing with the world will help encourage us! If you are starting a diet, I challenge you to join us!!! Let us know what you are doing, what works for you, how much you are losing! Let's be each others support system and LET'S DO IT!!!!

I hope all of my Blogging Buddies have a Happy New Year! I love all of the new friendships I've made through blogging and look forward to the upcoming year!


Anonymous said...

GIRL....I am up for the challenge...I am eating all my cookies tonight, and after midnight no more cookies or drinks....and I am going to try to start exercising again. If I am at work and want a cookie, I will have to come in your office and walk around the lap in the building a few times. WE WILL DO IT IN 2009!!!!!!

Mandy said...

I have thought about doing the very same thing...dieting and blogging about it so ya'll will hold me accountable. I think it is a great idea! It is harder for me to diet when home till February, but I will try to hang in there with ya'll. Too many temptations at home! I got a good head start...I have lost almost 30 pounds in the last couple weeks...does that count? lmao

Mary Lou said...

Hey Kelly. I'm Mandy's cousin. I was just reading blogs, and I came across your challenge to diet with fellow bloggers. I'd love to join in if that's OK. Maybe if we all have somebody to make us be accountable, we'll all be successful! 2009 will be the year!

Shari said...

Girl......I would LOVE to join y'all but you & I both know how me & Diets mix....we don't......I'm beginning to think I'm just going to always be fat, fat, FAT!

But I wish y'all all the luck in the world....I KNOW you can do it!

Nancy said...

Happy New Year, girl!! Missed you last night...I was so, so happy to stay home after the rest of the crowd (minus us and CJ) left and went to Chubbies!!! If only people hadn't called me to wish me a happy new year and woke me up!! But I was glad to have people who thought of me!! LOL