Friday, April 3, 2009

Week 13 Results

Oh how I hate to post this weight GAIN today....UGH! I gained 6 ounces! I will have to admit, I was pretty upset. My scales at home lied to me and told me that I had lost 2 ounces. Not much, but it was something. I don't eat anything on WW day, so I know it wasn't that. I had a pretty bad week as far as eating goes. I ate REAL brownies and had a couple of REAL Coca-Cola's. I've also ate a bunch of other over-portion stuff! LOL So...I am going to be a big girl, swallow hard, take the gain, and do better this week. One of my friends, Susan, and I made a deal to track EVERYTHING this week. I plan to stick to it! I stopped by Food Lion last night and bought a few things to help keep me on track. Good luck to everyone this week! Thank you all for your continued support. I hope to have a more upbeat blog next Friday! Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you had a gain this week...atleast it was just 6 ounces and not a whole pound! Or better yet, not THREE pounds. We will do it, it seems when I gain you gain...we have got to get off of this train and get on the one Cathy and Shari seem to be riding on....Are they leaving us out of some weight loss secret....knaw...I just like to overeat!!!

Michele said...

Girl, it's OK...I told Rhonda that it means a lot that y'all are strong and actually post the gains! That means you are definately NOT gonna give up! You'll do better this week! I admire y'all so much for posting those gains!

Mary Lou said...

Hang in there! Next week will be better!

Wendy said...

I am proud of you for posting. Next week will be better!

Judson's Mommy said...

That's ok! I am sure all of you girls will have a big loss next week.

Keri said...

Don't be too hard on yourself - you have done awesome. Good luck the coming week.