Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Multiple Myeloma

Here is a picture of my Daddy, my brother Dave and myself at the Dedication for the Veteran's Memorial in Conway. My Daddy and brother would not look at the camera! Men! I was not unhappy, but I can't smile because of my Bells Palsy, so it's not a very flattering picture of me. My Daddy has a brick at the memorial in honor of his service in the Army.

Okay.....I'm going to see if I can get through this blog without too many tears. My Daddy was recently diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. This is a form of cancer in the plasma cell. About a month ago, my Daddy was not feeling well and went to the doctor and they ran some "routine" bloodwork. Well, the bloodwork showed something they didn't like, so they called him to do more bloodwork and then a third time for more bloodwork. Never, ever did I think it could be cancer. It never crossed my mind. I cried for two days and could not go see my Daddy for the fear of upsetting him. I checked on him through Mama, but I just could not bring myself to talk to him. Everytime I thought about him and I could see his face, I cried. So, when I thought I could see him without crying, I did and HE made ME feel better. Isn't that crazy?!?! He told me he was fine and that we couldn't worry about things we couldn't control. He has been to an oncologist in Roanoke Rapids and they are currently doing a series of tests. His last test is a bone marrow test on November 17th. The doctor told him that they would compile all of the tests together and determine if the cancer was benign or malignant. I always thought benign meant non-cancerous, but I found out that it means non-recurrent or non-progressive. He has not showed any symptoms and he's not anemic, so the doctor said that was in his favor.

I've had to wait before posting this because my parents didn't want "the world" to know yet. But, I've had several people approach me, so the word is out. Please keep my Daddy in your prayers. He is truly an amazing man! My brother and I are so lucky to have such great parents.


Judson's Mommy said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Remember God is good and he will get your family through this.

Mandy said...

Of all people, I know how you felt when you found out. I went through it twice with Mama. Just be there for him and remind him how much you love him everyday. God has plans sometimes that takes us out of our comfort zones, but He will get you and your family through it someway or another. I will be praying for ya'll.

BTW...I hadn't seen your brother since he graduated high school...he hasn't changed much at all, just the facial

Anonymous said...

You know how much your dad, and your family mean to me. You also know I will always be here for you and them. I can't take away any of this pain, but I can be there for you so you know you won't go through this alone. Your dad has ALWAYS been a strong man, and there is not a doubt in my mind that when those tests come back, the result will be benign. My prayers are always with you all, and don't even think about not leaning on us for support. God will get you through this, and He has given you wonderful friends to see this through with you. I love you girl, but you already know that.

Michele said...

My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family! It seems like this horrible disease is everywhere and everyone is affected in some way whether it's a family member or friend. Try to be strong and think positive. It sounds like your Dad has a great attitude and that will be a tremendous help to get you all thru it!

Kelly said...

Thanks Everyone! Your support means a lot. I'll keep you all posted in the upcoming weeks. Just keep us in your prayers!!!

Nancy said...

Kelly, if it is any comfort to you, that is exactly what my mom has-Multiple Myeloma. She was diagnosed in September 2002...she has been through a lot, but she is doing fine! She never lost hair or got sick. The doctor says she is in remission. She couldn't have bone marrow transplant because she was 70 yrs old when diagnosed...they don't do that surgery at 70 + years. If it weren't for all of her other "ailments" she would be doing well. I am currently in the process of getting her help for a bad tooth. I took her to Greenville last week twice to get that taken care of and at the last minute the oral surgeon said "I didn't know you were taking Fosomax to strengthen your bones!! You can't take a tooth out when you are on that!!!" So now we are waiting for the endodontist to call us about a root canal!! Back to Greenville along with working, school, seeing those precious twins that I ADORE (along with their mom and dad!!) and seeing my FRIENDS!!! We will make it, girl!! Have faith!!

Donielle said...

Oh Kelly, I'm sorry. As others have said, he seems to be strong and in good spirits. That's good news. I'll be praying for you all.

Jamie's Block said...

i heard about this a few weeks ago but i didn't wanna say anything to you bc i knew how upset you were and i knew that you would tell us yourself when you were ready. i'm so sorry. but it will be ok, everything will work out just fine. we have ya'll in our thoughts and prayers.

Tina said...

Lifting the whole Allen family up!! God IS good, and you all WILL be fine..