Friday, November 7, 2008

Having fun at the Turkey Shoot.....

Taylor, Nathan, and Donnie
Taylor and Donnie

Nathan I know I'm redneck because I LOVE going to the Turkey Shoot. Just in case you do not know what a Turkey Shoot is (because I didn't at first either), it is a fundraiser, usually put on by the local fire departments. No one shoots at a turkey, but at a target to win a turkey or ham, and in some places, cheese! I took some pictures for blogging purposes. LOL I know there were people out there thinking, why is she taking pictures? LOL But, Cathy's huband Donnie won a turkey, and her son Taylor won a ham, and my step-son Nathan won a ham. So, we were pretty excited, and I just had to share them with you!!! (Sorry about the quality of the pictures, my camera doesn't like the dark.)


Donielle said...

Before I was informed (years ago) I thought they shot turkeys too! I hadn't been to one in years. Way to win the ham!

Kelly Vann said...

I think the pictures were great!!!

aLLySoN mIcHeLLe said...

Haha !! I'm glad to see that Nathan, Aaron, and CJ are going hunting I know Nathan especially enjoys it! When are yall leaving for New York again? I keep forgetting. I hope that you are doing better ?~!