Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What would you do?

On Monday, while packing up her book bag at the end of the day, Alyssa discovered that someone had stolen her pocketbook. She told her teacher and her teacher allowed her to search each child's book bag. Well, it was not found. She called me about 4:30 to tell me what had happened. My first response was that it was not stolen, but that it was misplaced or left at home. I searched my vehicle, my home, my Mom searched her home, and Joey searched his home. Still no pocketbook to be found. Alyssa insisted that she had put the pocketbook in her book bag. I called one of her teachers and she offered to search the classrooms and the bathrooms in the morning (in case someone hid it). Again, no pocketbook was found. I talked to the Principal and she made an announcement at school. A little boy in Alyssa's class turned in the name of another child in her class. From what we understand, the little boy stole the pocketbook and hid it in his pants pocket. That's why it couldn't be found. So, I'm sure your probably thinking, well it's just a pocketbook. Well, it was a Vera Bradley pocketbook that costs $30. Inside of the pocketbook was a Nintendo DS that costs $130 and approx. 8 -10 games that range from $20 - $30 a piece. Her wallet was also in there with a few dollars. So, we are looking at a lot of money. The Principal was not at school this morning, but Alyssa's teacher assured me that the children involved would go to the Principal's office this morning. I know that she wasn't supposed to take it to school, but no one was supposed to go in her book bag either. If it's not returned, Joey wants me to go through the police department. Is that extreme? I found out that the child that supposedly stole the pocketbook is repeating his grade, stays in a lot of trouble, and misses a lot of school. So, that pretty much tells me the parents don't care. What do I do? I don't want to send the police to the school to confront a 10 year old, but what about my child. Why does she have to be a victim in all of this? She's only 9. So, tell me, please, what would you do? If this was your child, what would you do???


Michele said...

OMG!!! That is ridiculous! Some KIDS these days...NO raising!!!I remember when I was in school I had some jewelry get stolen in gym class in a locked up locker...thank goodness someone saw who took it and after a couple of weeks I FINALLY got my jewelry back thanks to 1 teacher! I would definately stay on the school and if they don't do anything about it definately do the police thing since some kids name was turned in. Obviously somebody knows something! Good Luck..I hope she'll get EVERYTHING back!

Judson's Mommy said...

I would want the school to do what they could to get the items back. If the child who stole her pocket book stays in trouble all the time, it might not be a bad idea to get the police involved and set an example out of him. Kids have to live and learn. I guess I sound harsh, but he may learn not to take things that doesn't belong to him.

Donielle said...

I say pull them out and homeschool! HaHa...just kidding. But really, I agree with both of them. Do everything you can to get the school to take action, and if need be, let them know that if it's not resolved you will be contacting the police. That might get them more in gear to find her stuff and discipline the child. That's too bad, such an early age to have to deal with this mess.

Jamie's Block said...

u already know what i would do. if the kid stays in that much trouble then maybe a visit from a big intimadating (sp) police officer might set an example to him and other kids u don't want alyssa thinking that u can steal stuff and just get a slap on the hand and get away with it. bc if the school handles it he's prolly gunna get a week suspension if that and obvesly his parents don't care so who is to say he won't do it again. let joey have the u know what's and u deal with the school but if it were me i would be going off.

Jamie's Block said...

and the kid has probably already thrown the pocketbook away by now bc he's a boy how is gunna explain that. and second if the police get involved they will make him pay all of it back if not replace it. and that's a fact!