Friday, February 13, 2009

Week 6 Results

This is week 6 of my diet, but my 3rd weigh in with Weight Watchers. If I'm confusing you, don't feel bad, I'm confusing myself. LOL loss for last night was 4 ounces! UGH! I really blowed my diet Saturday night. We had a cook out and I admit that I ate way too much! The next morning I had gained about 2 1/2 lbs from that one meal!!! So, I had to work really hard to get that back off plus lose an additional 4 ounces. I am proud of myself for not giving up. Usually, I would have took the gain and quit the diet, but not this time. I'm determined! It may take awhile, and I might have good weeks and bad weeks, but I'm not ready to give up. I keep telling myself....if I stick with this and lose it slowly, then a year from now I can look back and say look how much I have lost, instead of saying I need to go on a diet. Think how quickly a year goes by! If I lose a pound a week, that's 52 lbs.! That's amazing! Good luck to all of you on your diet this week! Thank you all for your support and encouragment. Knowing that I have to go to Weight Watchers and weigh on Thursday and blog about it on Friday has really helped keep me on track.


Judson's Mommy said...

Very Good! You are doing right by not giving up! Keep it up..

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better even if I tried...we are not giving least you lost something....GREAT JOB!!!!!

Mandy said...

Ya'll are doing great! Keep it up...and if you ever wonder where you lost your weight...I got it! You are welcome to get it back

Shari said...

What an awesome attitude you have.....I really admire your determination! I know you can do it!

Donielle said...

Good job Kelly! Way to work hard and get that extra weight off instead of quitting.

Keri said...

Keep up the good work and yay for you for not giving up!

Sue said...

It's all about attitude isn't it? You're doing great-you're not giving up! Keep up the determination.We have a lifetime of eating what we wanted and as much as we wanted-we have to retrain ourselves. This week will be better.

Mary Lou said...

Yeah Kelly! Remember those ounces add up to pounds too! Stick with it!